Rosemary Willkomm Covers Up Abuse and Evidence
Date: January 9-May 24, 2012
Location: Orange County, NY CPS
Perpetrators: Rosemary Willkomm-CPS Caseworker, Orange County, NY
Description of Incident:
Over the course of several conversations Rosemary Willkomm of Orange County C.P.S., the primary caseworker, claims that I was the one who initiated the investigation. She also stated that she also saw no gash, she received no police report stating my children were left in a vehicle unattended, she would initiate a new investigation if there was a police report , she requested my evidence, she falsely claimed she reviewed the audio confession by my Jurema Laboy, she later denies she reviewed that evidence and she claimed she would investigate my evidence of the coaching of my children. She closed the case and ruled that all of my allegations were unfounded.
Leah Horrevoets was the one telling Rosemary Willkomm what to do and what to lie about. Apparently, Leah Horrevoets was getting her instructions from Judge Debra J. Kiedaisch. At first Leah Horrevoets acted as if she was interested in reviewing my evidence. When I brought it to her she refused to review it and accussed me of never doing anything to protect my children. Leah Horrevoets did her best to stay far away from me for fear that I would record her. In my opinion, Rosemary Willkomm should spend a significant amount of time in prison, but Leah Horrevoets should spend more! These two women who are paid (very little. $23k-$33k a year) to protect children from abuse and investigate abuse actually advocate for abuse by there actions. They have a long history of putting children in harms way and suppressing evidence. Her name has come up in conversations with other parents. According to those parents Leah Horrevoets has a history of falsifying evidence and graphically enhancing/distorting photo evidence.
Evidence | Location | Type | Timecode |
Recorded conversation | The Highwaychild Investigations | audio/video | 1:23:30-1:35:52 |
Rosemary Willkomm Lies and Abuses | Video
This video is cued up to this incident.
Rosemary Willkomm Had the Evidence | Video
This is a rather long video but it proves that Rosemary Willkomm had the evidence.